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Prince-Wright et al reported predictors for post-operative atrial fibrillation (POAF) with or without in-hospital mortality. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from Howard University in Washington, D.C.

Predictors of atrial fibrillation:

(1) age >= 65 years (OR 3.3; OR 4.8 if >= 85 years)

(2) male gender (OR 1.2)

(3) colonic resection (OR 2)

(4) coagulopathy (OR 1.3)

(5) electrolyte disorder (OR 1.8)

(6) history of congestive heart failure (OR 1.6)


Predictors of POAF and in-hospital mortality with OR 2+:

(1) age >= 65 years (OR 6.5; OR 12.9 if >= 85 years)

(2) Charlson comorbidity index >= 5 (OR (2.8)

(3) colon resection (OR 4.7)

(4) coagulopathy (OR 3.3)

(5) electrolyte disorder (OR 3.2)

(6) emergency admission (OR 4.3)

(7) history of congestive heart failure (OR 2.1)


Predictors of POAF and in-hospital mortality with OR less than 1.5:

(1) White race (OR 1.4)

(2) type of insurance (Medicare or uninsured, OR 1.4-1.5)

(3) lowest income quartile (OR 1.1)

(4) weekend admission (OR 1.2)

(5) male sex (OR 1.1)

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