Schmidt et al identified factors associated with unplanned hospitalization for an adult receiving outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT). These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from Carolinas Healthcare System in Charlotte.
Patient selection: age > 19 years, receiving OPAT
Outcome: unplanned hospitalization within 90 days after initial discharge
Predictors of unplanned hospitalization (Table 3, Figure 2):
(1) OPAT delivered at a skilled nursing facility (IRR 1.46)
(2) increased comorbidities (IRR 1.05 per unit Charlson Comorbidity Index)
(3) line patency problem (IRR 2.29)
(4) modified OPAT prescription for reason other than adverse drug reaction, change in antimicrobial or need to extend therapy (IRR 1.90)
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