
Xin et al reported predictors for postoperative septic cardiomyopathy in a surgical patient with perioperative sepsis. Recognition of these factors can help guide patient management. The authors are from Soochow University and Sihong People's Hospital in China.

Patient selection: perioperative sepsis in a surgical patient


Outcome: postoperative septic cardiomyopathy


Septic cardiomyopathy is sepsis-associated acute cardiac dysfunction unrelated to ischemia with one of the following: (1) left ventricular dilatation with normal or low-filling pressures; (2) reduced ventricular contractility, (3) right or left ventricular dysfunction with reduced response to volume infusion.


Predictors of postoperative septic cardiomyopathy:

(1) SOFA score on admission >= 7 (aOR 34 in multiple-factor analysis; 1.345 per unit in multivariate LR))

(2) endoscopic procedure (vs open; aOR 3.5)


If a septic patient requires surgery, then the study indicates that open surgery may lower the risk of septic cardiomyopathy.


If a patient has a SOFA score on admission to the ICU, then the patient should be monitored for septic cardiomyopathy.

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