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Le Manach et al developed the Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality (POSPOM). This can help to identify a patient at greater risk for in-hospital mortality after surgery. The authors are from multiple institutions in Canada, Europe and South Africa.

Patient selection: age >= 18 years undergoing surgery


Outcome: in-hospital mortality



(1) subscore for age and comorbid conditions

(2) subscore for the operative procedure


total score =

= (subscore for age and comorbidity) + (subscore for operative procedure)



• minimum total score: 0

• maximum total score: > 60 (a score above 45 is unusual)

• The higher the score the greater the risk of in-hospital mortality.


Total Score

In-Hospital Mortality

<= 16


17 to 21

< 0.5%

22 to 40

(0.05438 * ((points)^2)) - (2.094 * (points)) + 20.22

>= 41

> 23%



• The authors claim an area under the ROC curve of 0.94.

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