Lee and Jensen used mixtures of ethanol and ethylene glycol with dry ice to make cooling baths that can span -12 to -78°C. The authors are from Marquette University and the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Cooling bath: dry ice plus a mixture of ethylene glycol and ethanol.
Fraction Ethylene Glycol |
Temperature |
1.0 (pure ethylene glycol) |
-12°C |
0.9 |
-20°C |
0.8 |
-28°C |
0.7 |
-33°C |
0.6 |
-41°C |
0.5 |
-52°C |
0.4 |
-59°C |
0.3 |
-65°C |
0.2 |
-72°C |
0.1 |
-76°C |
0 (pure ethanol) |
-78°C |
for decimal fraction of ethylene glycol from 0 to 0.6
°C =
= (69.05 * ((decimal fracture)^2)) + (20 * (decimal fraction)) - 78.26
for decimal fraction of ethylene glycol from 0.6 to 1.0
°C =
= (71 * (decimal fraction)) - 83.60
Specialty: Clinical Laboratory