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Are you trying to minimize foodborne transmission of Listeria monocytogenes?

Will elderly, pregnant or immuno-compromised patients be eating the prepared food?

Are all animal products thoroughly cooked before eating?

Are raw, uncooked eggs eaten in any form?

Are raw vegetables thoroughly washed before eating?

Are uncooked meats kept separate from all other foods?

Is unpasteurized milk used for drinking or cooking?

Are foods prepared from unpasteurized milk avoided?

Are utensils and cutting boards washed after handling uncooked foods?

Are hands washed after handling uncooked foods?

Are soft cheeses such as Mexican-style, feta, Brie, Camembert and blue-veined cheeses avoided?

Are leftovers or ready-to-eat foods reheated until steaming hot before eating?

Are cold cuts either avoided or thoroughly reheated before eating?

Are foods from delicatessens either avoided or thoroughly reheated before eating?


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