
Cross-contamination is an important cause of error in the laboratory. It can be prevented if precautions are taken and efforts are made.

Cross-contamination can be problematic in:

(1) cell cultures

(2) microbiology

(3) molecular methods

(4) chemistry


Cross-contamination can occur:

(1) through aerosols

(2) by failure to maintain cleanliness

(3) putting reagents back into stock bottles

(4) performing multiple tasks in the same workspace without adequate separation


Cross-contamination can be prevented by:

(1) meticulous laboratory technique and cleanliness

(2) knowing how contamination occurs and instituting environmental controls

(3) by keeping processes progressing in a planned, often linear, process

(4) avoiding re-entry into reagent containers or combining reagents whenever possible

(5) installing safeguards at key points

(6) avoidance of multi-tasking at the workspace

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