Salmonella may be spread from reptiles to humans. Certain steps are recommended to reduce this transmission.
Reptiles include:
(1) snakes
(2) turtles
(3) lizards
Recommendations for preventing transmission:
(1) Information should be made available to pet owners by pet store owners, veterinarians and health care providers concerning the risk of acquiring salmonella from reptiles.
(2) Persons at increased risk for infection or serious complications from salmonella should avoid contact with reptiles. This includes:
• children under 5 years of age
• immunocompromised persons
(3) Pet reptiles should not be kept in day care centers or other places where at risk persons may be present. Families expecting newborn infants should have reptiles removed from the home before newborn infant arrives.
(4) Pet reptiles should not be allowed to roam freely throughout a living area.
(5) Persons should always wash their hands with soap and water after handling reptiles or reptile cages.
(6) Reptiles should not be allowed in kitchens or food preparation areas. Kitchen sinks should not be used to bathe reptiles, clean their dishes or wash their cages.
(7) If the bathroom sink or tub is used for cleaning related to reptiles, the area should be cleaned thoroughly and disinfected with bleach.
Purpose: To identify the risk for spread of salmonella from reptiles to humans.
Specialty: Infectious Diseases
Objective: risk factors, prevention
ICD-10: A02,