Zika virus can be transmitted during sexual contact. Sexual transmission can be prevented if certain steps are taken.
Zika virus can be found in male semen for weeks and months after the infection has cleared from the blood. Less information is available about Zika virus persistence in female genital secretions.
Prevention of sexual spread during the period of potential transmission may consist of:
(1) abstinence
(2) correct and careful use of the male condom
Period of Preventive Measures
couple with pregnant woman
for duration of the pregnancy
male with confirmed or probable Zika virus infection
for at least 6 months after onset of illness
male who has traveled to a region of active Zika virus transmission but asymptomatic
for at least 8 weeks after male has departed from region
male who resides in a region of active Zika virus transmission but asymptomatic
for period of active transmission (see comment)
• The person who resides in a region of active Zika virus transmission may extend period of preventive measures for at least 8 weeks after end of transmission season.
• Use of condom should also include anal intercourse and fellatio.
Prevention of Zika virus infection should also include steps to minimize exposure to Aedes mosquitoes.
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