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The OSHA 300 Log is the list where injured employees are listed. Some employees may not want their name and injury on a log where co-workers can see it. This highlights some of the areas where people want their health information protected.

There are 2 ways to respond to the request for privacy and still maintain the log:

(1) not list the employee's name on the log, using "privacy concern case" instead

(2) mask the nature of the injury in ambiguous terms


Conditions which may raise privacy concerns from the employee:

(1) injury to an intimate body part or the reproductive system

(2) injury resulting from a sexual assault

(3) mental illness

(4) HIV infection

(5) hepatitis

(6) tuberculosis

(7) a sharps or needlestick injury

(8) any other condition that the patient is sensitive about



• Other conditions that people tend to be sensitive about: sexually-transmitted disease, abortion/miscarriage, substance abuse, hereditary disorder.

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