
The prognostic features identified by Gardlund can be used to identify patients with meningococcal disease at risk for mortality.


Patient population: retrospective study of patients near Stockholm, Sweden from 1971-1983 admitted with meningococcal disease, either as septicemia or meningitis


Sensitive but nonspecific criteria for risk of death:

(1) A systolic blood pressure on admission < 100 mm Hg


High mortality risk patients:

(1) systolic blood pressure < 100 mm Hg

(2) platelet count <= 125,000 per µL, or extensive petechiae

(3) body temperature > 39°C


Other observations:

(1) The presence of meningism was a favorable prognostic sign.

(2) The presence of minor petechiae was not associated with higher mortality.

(3) The CSF polymorphonuclear leukocyte count is lower in fatal cases.


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