Vaillant identified a number of prognostic factors seen in alcoholics able to achieve stable abstinence.
Stable abstinence: abstinence for >= 3 years
Factors found in stable abstainers:
(1) a substitute dependency (or addiction)
(2) a rehabilitative and caring relationship with another person
(3) source of hope or improved self-esteem in the person's life
(4) some form of behavioral modification or reinforcement that keeps the person from drinking
Substitute dependencies may be healthy or non-healthy:
(1) gambling
(2) eating
(3) other drugs
(4) religion
(5) exercise
(6) work
(7) other
Behavioral reinforcement causes the person to either not drink or stop drinking once started.
(1) The person may feel deep revulsion for past and what alcohol has done to his or her life..
(2) A chemical such as Antabuse (disulfiram) may work for a short time but tends to be less effective over time unless there are other factors in place.
(3) The person may become physically ill on exposure to alcohol.
(4) There are social factors the person cannot avoid.
The problem for behavioral factors is maintenance of effect over the long-term.
The presence of 2 or more of the prognostic factors was associated with stable abstinence. A person with 0 or 1 prognostic factors may be able to achieve short term abstinence but often will relapse.
Specialty: Psychiatry, Toxicology
ICD-10: ,