
Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) describes a persistent grief that disables the patient.

Criteria for PGD - all of the following:

(1) associated with loss of a significant other (bereavement)

(2) at least 6 months has passed since the loss

(3) associated with 5 or more symptoms that occur daily or that cause impairment (see below)

(4) results in significant impairment (social, occupational, other)

(5) findings not better explained by another diagnosis (major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc)



(a) confusion

(b) difficulty accepting the loss

(c) avoidance of reminders of the reality of the loss

(d) inability to trust others since the loss

(e) bitterness or anger related to the loss

(f) difficulty moving on with life

(g) numbness since the loss

(h) feeling that life is unfulfilling, empty or meaningless since the loss

(i) feeling stunned, dazed or shocked by the loss

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