Pronase is a non-specific protease consisting of mixture of chymotrypsin, trypsin, carboxypeptidase, aminopeptidase, and neutral and alkaline phosphatases.
Molecular weights of individual components are from 20,000 to 69,000 D.
A unit of activity increases the rate of release of folin-positive amino acids and peptides from casein at 40°C and pH 7.5. This is expressed as an amount of tyrosine per minute released per minute.
Activity per mg
70 U/mg
1 U =18.14 PU= 0.362 PUK
1270 U/mg
1 PU = 0.05512 U = 0.0196 PUK
25 PUK/mg
1 PUK = 50.8 PU = 2.8 U
• Units in U are based on a quantity of tyrosine 1 µmol/min.
• Units in PU are based on a quantity of tyrosine 1 µg/min/.
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