
Iopamidol is a nonionic, low-osmolar iodinated radiocontrast agent used for arteriography and other radiologic procedures. Pseudoparaproteinemia may occur if electropheresis is performed on a serum sample drawn after an imaging procedure.


(1) An abnormal peak is identified in the alpha-2 region of serum electropheresis.

(2) The peak is not explained by haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin or apoprotein B100.

(3) No evidence of a monoclonal protein is identified in immunoelectropheresis.

(4) One of the following:

(4a) The patient has renal failure (which reduces clearance of the agent).

(4b) The serum sample is drawn soon after an imaging procedure.

(5) The patient has a recent history of iopamidol injection during an imaging procedure.

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