Cryptosporidium species can cause a respiratory infection which can be a challenge to diagnose.
Patients at risk:
(1) AIDS
(2) malignant lymphoma
(3) other causes of immunosuppression
Clinical features:
(1) cough
(2) dyspnea
(3) chest pain
(4) tracheitis
(5) diarrhea or other evidence of concurrent gastrointestinal disease
(6) respiratory failure
Imaging studies:
(1) interstitial pneumonia
Laboratory findings:
(1) oocysts may be seen in bronchial washings or respiratory tract biopsy with:
(1a) a modified acid-fast stain
(1b) an immunoperoxidase stain.
(2) PCR or other molecular technique would be the most sensitive method of deteection
An immunosuppressed patient have more than 1 respiratory pathogen present so it is important to complete a predetermined protocol.
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Specialty: Infectious Diseases