Pulmonary involvement in gnathostomiasis may be associated with a number of clinical and laboratory findings.
Pulmonary manifestations:
(1) cough
(2) pleuritic chest pain
(3) hemoptysis
(4) lobar consolidation
(5) lobar collapse
(6) pleural effusion
(7) pneumothorax or hydropneumothorax
Laboratory findings:
(1) larva in the sputum
(2) peripheral eosinophilia
(3) eosinophilia in pleural fluid
Constellation of findings suggestive of gnathostomiasis:
(1) subcutaneous swellings, which may be migratory
(2) history of an exposure compatible with gnathostomiasis
(3) eosinophilia
(4) eosinophilic pleural effusion
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Specialty: Infectious Diseases