The Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome (RFS) refers to a range of conditions that gradually develop as a result of radiation-induced fibrosis. This includes neuromuscular, visceral and endocrine disorders.
Patient selection: history of radiation therapy
Onset: typically delayed, may be progressive
The shared pathology is a dense fibrosis which may include sclerosis.
Radiation fibrosis syndrome may include:
(1) contracture
(2) stricture on a hollow viscus
(3) hypothyroidism
(4) pseudo-recurrence
(5) neuropathy
(6) ischemia due to arterial insufficiency
(7) myelopathy, radiculopathy or plexopathy
(8) myopathy
(9) musculoskeletal dysfunction
(10) pulmonary fibrosis
(11) cardiac conduction defects
(12) cardiac valvular disease
(13) cardiomyopathy
(14) pericarditis
(15) dysphagia
(16) lymphedema
(17) xerostomia
(18) alopecia
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