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Neuman et al identified risk factors for hospital readmission of a pediatric patient admitted for pneumonia. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from multiple children's hospitals in the United States.

Patient selection: pediatric patient discharged from hospital following admission for pneumonia


Outcome: hospital readmission within 30 days (about a quarter were for pneumonia and the rest for other causes)


Frequency of readmission: 8%


Risk factors for readmission:

(1) age <= 365 days on index admission

(2) chronic comorbid condition(s)

(3) history of a hospitalization in the previous year


Additional factors to consider:

(1) hospital length of stay of index admission > 7 days (adjusted OR 1.4)

(2) complicated pneumonia (adjusted OR 1.3)

(3) hospital with fewer admissions for pneumonia


A child with asthma was less likely to be readmitted (OR 0.6).


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