
Nudell et al summarized the impact of various chemotherapy drugs and regimens on spermatogenesis in men.


Recovery of spermatogenesis after completing the chemotherapy may be categorized as:

(1) good chance

(2) intermediate chance

(3) poor chance


Drugs and regimens associated with limited impact and a good chance of recovery:

(1) adriamycin

(2) androgens

(3) cisplatin

(4) doxorubicin

(5) estrogens

(6) 6-mercaptopurine

(7) methotrexate

(8) prednisone

(9) thioguanine


Drugs and regimens associated with some impact and an intermediate chance of recovery:

(1) ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine)

(2) PEB (cisplatin, etopiside, bleomycin)

(3) vincristine


Drugs and regimens associated with significant impact and a poor chance of recovery:

(1) chlorambucil (alklyating agent)

(2) cyclophosphamide (alkylating agent)

(3) mechlorethamine

(4) MOPP (nitrogen mustard, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisone)

(5) procarbazine


Ways to manage a male who wants to maintain fertility:

(1) use a drug or drug regimen associated with better recovery of spermatogenesis

(2) use the lowest effective dose

(3) cryopreserve semen prior to starting the chemotherapy

(4) consider use of gonadotropin-releasing hormones to help protect cells


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