
The Retroviral Rebound Syndrome may develop in a patient with HIV infection who discontinues effective antiretroviral therapy. Symptoms may mimic those of primary HIV infection and occur in conjunction with a marked increase in plasma HIV RNA.



(1) history of chronic HIV infection

(2) discontinuation of effective antiretroviral therapy

(3) clinical onset of a primary HIV syndrome within a few weeks therapy discontinuation

(4) marked increase in HIV RNA, with or without decline in absolute CD4 lymphocyte count


Clinical findings:

(1) fever

(2) fatigue

(3) pharyngitis

(4) lymphadenopathy

(5) rash

(6) unintended weight loss

(7) rarely multi-organ failure


Providing that resistance has not developed, restarting antiretroviral therapy results in:

(1) a decrease in clinical symptoms

(2) a decrease in plasma HIV RNA

(3) a rebound in the absolute CD4 lymphocyte count


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