Reynold's number (Re) can be used to describe flow of a gas or fluid through a cylinder. This is a dimensionaless value that can help distinguish conditions associated with laminar or turbulent flow.
The cylinder may be
(1) a pipe
(2) a bronchus or airway
(3) a blood vessel
(4) an intravenous infusion
Parameters (in cgs units):
(1) viscocity in poise (grams per cm per second)
(2) density in grams per cc
(3) velocity in cm per second
(4) cylinder diameter in centimeters
Reynold's number =
= (fluid density) * (velocity) * (diameter) / (fluid viscocity)
Reynold's Number
< 2,000
2,000 - 3,000
> 3,000
• Other sources use < 2,300 as laminar and > 2,300 as tubulent.
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