
Michetti et al reported risk factors for reintubation in surgical and trauma patients. These can help to identify a patient who may require more aggressive management to avoid reintubation. The authors are from Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia.

Patient selection: surgical or trauma patient


Outcome: reintubation, with 60% within 48 hours of extubation and 76% within 96 hours


Risk factors for reintubation:

(1) older age (with age showing overlap between failed and successful extubation)

(2) delirium (odds ratio 3.0)

(3) moderate or copious secretions (odds ratio 4.0)

(4) oral/enteral opioid on day of extubation (odds ratio 4.2, most often oxycodone)


The mortality rate was 16% in reintubation patients, which is 5 times higher than for successful extubation.

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