
Access of a Candida species with candidemia may be associated with the presence of one or more risk factors. Candidemia can have a high mortality and may be followed by deep-seated infections in several organs.


Risk factors for candidemia include:

(1) broad spectrum antibiotic use

(2) central intravascular catheters

(3) major surgery, especially after cardiovascular and gastrointestinal surgery

(4) parenteral nutrition and hyperalimentation

(5) immunosuppression (corticosteroids, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, transplant-related)

(6) immunodeficiency

(7) neutropenia or granulocyte dysfunction

(8) colonization of multiple nonsterile sites

(9) prolonged ICU stay

(10) severe burns

(11) uncontrolled diabetes mellitus

(12) cirrhosis

(13) IV drug use


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