
A variety of conditions may place a sick infant or child at increased risk for becoming dehydrated. Sometimes the risk is obvious but at other times dehydration can occur if several seemingly minor problems are present.


Infants at increased risk:

(1) premature birth and/or low birth weight

(2) age less than 12 months


Clinical findings:

(1) diarrhea (more than 5 diarrheal stools in 24 hours)

(2) vomiting (more than twice in 24 hours)

(3) high fevers

(4) sweating

(5) high environmental heat

(6) diuresis

(7) tachypnea

(8) signs of malnutrition


Change in recent intake:

(1) stopped breast feeding

(2) unable to tolerate supplemental fluids

(3) not offered supplemental fluids


Monitoring the child's weight and fluid intake and output can alert the caregiver to an impending problem.


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