
Some patients with loiasis will develop an encephalitis during chemotherapy with diethylcarbamazine (DEC). This may be associated with morbidity and mortality, so is best avoided.


Factors affecting host response:

(1) sudden release of antigenic material

(2) migration of microfilaria through the central nervous system


Risk factors for encephalitis:

(1) high density of microfilaria in the peripheral blood (especially if > 30,000 per mL) when chemotherapy is started

(2) high initial dose of deithylcarbamazine (DEC)

(3) rapid escalation in DEC dose

(4) failure to provide anti-allergic therapy


Reducing the microfilarial load by apheresis prior to starting DEC chemotherapy can significantly reduce neurological complications.


Ivermectin has been associated with a lower risk of neurologic complications, but risks occur with hypermicrofilaremic loads.


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