Brucellosis can be transmitted in the microbiology workers if proper precautions are not followed.
Mechanisms of transmission:
(1) aerosol
(2) ingestion
(3) direct inoculation or contact with open wound
(4) contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or nose
Exposures conveying high risk:
(1) manipulating the culture outside of a Class II biohazard safety cabinet (BSC)
(2) sniffing the culture or putting an open Petri dish close to the face
(3) generating an aerosol (vortexing, placing a hot loop onto the agar, catalase testing, etc) outside of a Class II BSC
(4) pipetting by mouth
(5) splashing material onto a mucous membrane or open wound or break in the skin
(6) direct inoculation
(7) ingestion
High risk associated with proximity to the culture - one of the following:
(1) anywhere in a laboratory when an aerosolizing event occurred outside of a BSC
(2) within 5 feet of a culture being manipulated on an open bench
A person is considered to be at low risk if all of the following occurred:
(1) he or she was in the laboratory when a culture was being manipulated outside of a BSC
(2) he or she were more than 5 feet away
(3) no aerosolizing event or direct exposure occurred
A person is considered to be at no risk if
(1) all work was done in a BSC with proper personal protection and no exposure occurred, OR
(2) the person was outside of the microbiology laboratory
Specialty: Infectious Diseases
ICD-10: ,