There has been a surge in cases of congenital syphilis in the United States. Congenital syphilis can result in fetal morbidity and mortality. This can be prevented by proper medical care.
Risk factors associated with a failure to prevent congenital syphilis:
(1) no or minimal prenatal care
(2) lack of timely testing during the pregnancy
(3) failure to treat adequately during pregnancy
(4) late identification of seroconversion was defined as seroconversion less than 30 days before delivery after a nonreactive test earlier in pregnancy, at the time of delivery, or less than 90 days after delivery
Indications to perform additional syphilis testing to avoid late seroconversion:
(1) sexually active in a region with a high prevalence of syphilis
(2) new partner
(3) history of incarceration
(4) transactional sex work
(5) occurrence of another sexually transmitted disease
(6) sexual partner less than 29 years of age