Ruby can be a high-intensity contact sport which carries a risk for injury.
Days Off Because of Injury
Injury Severity
<= 1 day
2 -3 days
4 to 7 days
8 to 28 days
> 28 days
Risk factors for injury include:
(1) having an injury at the beginning of the season
(2) playing position (full back, midfield back)
(3) type of tackle (crash, stiff-arm, other)
(4) intense level of play
(6) strenuous physical activity for >= 39 hours per week
(7) current or former smoker
(8) low body mass index (< 23 kg per square meter)
Risk factors for severe injury (Rizi et al):
(1) early in the season AND insufficient preseason preparation
(2) reduced agility
(3) tightness of hip flexors
(4) female sex
(5) slower speed (using the 40-meter speed test)