
Li et al identified risk factors for surgical site infection (SSI) in Veterans Health Administration (VA) undergoing surgery. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from interventions to reduce infectious complications. The authors are from the Veterans Health Administration and George Washington University in Washington, DC.

Patient selection: VA surgical patients


Outcome: 30-day surgical site infection


Risk factors:

(1) surgical factors

(2) patient status (comorbidities, frailty, disability)


Surgical factors:

(1) duration of surgery (4+ > 2+ > 1+, relative to < 1 hour)

(2) complexity of surgery (RVU > 12)

(3) emergent acuity

(4) ASA 5 > ASA 4

(5) CDC wound class infected, contaminated or clean/contaminated

(6) surgical specialty


Patient status:

(1) ascites

(2) dyspnea or history of severe COPD

(3) smoking

(4) bleeding disorder

(5) diabetes mellitus

(6) chemoradiation

(7) partial or complete dependency

(8) serum albumin <= 3.5 g/dL

(9) chronic steroid therapy

(10) open wound

(11) weight loss > 10%

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