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Andriani et al identified risk factors at presentation that are associated with thrombosis in a patient with essential thrombocythemia. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from multiple institutions in Italy.

Patient selection: essential thrombocythemia


Outcome: venous or arterial thrombosis over time (including cumulative risk of thrombosis at 5 years)


Risk factors for thrombosis at presentation based on multivariate Cox regression analysis:

(1) splenomegaly

(2) male gender

(3) history of previous thrombosis

(4) white blood cell count > 8,700 per µL (8.7 * 10^9/L)



• Splenomegaly is associated with hyper-proliferative disease.

• The odds ratios are relatively low, ranging from 1.5 to 1.7. This indicates that multiple factors are needed to identify a high risk individual.

• The authors did not find an association with JAK2V617F status.

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