Bayne et al identified risk factors for delayed treatment of acute testicular torsion in boys. The longer treatment is delayed the more likely that the patient will require orchiectomy. The authors are from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Stanford University, and the University of California at Irvine.
Patient selection: boys with acute testicular torsion
Risk factors for a delay in treatment:
(1) younger age (mean age 10 years)
(2) greater distance from the hospital
(3) delay in transfer to treatment center
The longer the symptom duration in hours the greater the risk for orchiectomy.
Duration of Pain
Percent Undergoing Orchiectomy
0 hours
4 hours
8 hours
16 hours
24 hours
32 hours
36 hours
almost 100%
Reasons for a delay in presentation include:
(1) being uncomfortable about talking to someone about genitals
(2) hoping that it would go away on its own
(3) thinking that it was associated with physical exercise or a sporting event
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