

Bjornsdottir et al identified risk factors associated with cellulitis of a lower extremity. This can help identify a patient who may benefit from closer monitoring and more aggressive management. The authors are from the University of Iceland.


Risk factors associated with a high odds ratios (29 - 31):

(1) previous history of cellulitis

(2) culture of Staphylococcus aureus and/or Streptococcus pyogenes (beta-hemolytic streptococcus) from the toe webs


Risk factors associated with intermediate odds ratios (8-12):

(1) presence of leg lesions on admission (erosions, ulcers and wounds on the dorsum of foot and/or leg)

(2) history of prior saphenectomy (which may be an indicator of venous insufficiency, see risk factors of Dupuy et al below)


Risk factors associated with the lowest odds ratios (1.5-4)

(1) body mass index >= 30 kg per square meter

(2) history of chronic leg edema

(3) dermatophyte in toe webs (athlete's foot; presence of onychomycosis is associated with a decreased risk of cellulitis)

(4) dry skin


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