
Brinton identified risk factors associated with the increased risk for breast cancer seen in males with Klinefelter's syndrome (KS). These can help to identify a patient whose breasts should be monitored more closely. The author is from National Cancer Institute (NCI).


Patient selection: Klinefelter syndrome (XXY)


Risk factors for breast cancer:

(1) obesity (associated with increased estrogenic activity)

(2) relative increase in estrogenic to androgenic activity (may be associated with hypogonadism)

(3) therapy with exogenous androgens (associated with hypogonadism)

(4) gynecomastia


Patients with Klinefelter's syndrome may have a low sserum ex hormone-binding globulin concentration.


The additional X chromosome may contribute to the increased risk.


Klinefelter's syndrome tends to be under-diagnosed. The possibility of Klinefelter syndrome should be considered in any male with breast cancer,


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