
Croghan et al reported factors associated with urinary retention following elective inguinal hernia repair. The authors are from multiple institutions in Europe, Canada, India, and Libya.

Patient selection: elective inguinal hernia repair


Outcome: postoperative urinary retention (POUR), defined as inability to void with need to decompress the bladder by catheterization within 1 week of inguinal hernia repair


Occurrence: 6% of males (10% if >= 65 years), 3% of females


Risk factors for POUR:

(1) older age (>= 65 years)

(2) anticholinergic medication

(3) history of urinary retention

(4) constipation

(5) out-of-hour surgery

(6) involvement of the urinary bladder within the hernia

(7) temporary intraoperative urinary catheterization

(8) increasing operative duration


A patient with one or more risk factors may benefit from interventions to reduce risk.

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