
de Medeiros Nobrega et al reported risk factors for development of Charcot foot in a diabetic. The authors are from Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), and Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation in Brazil.

Patient selection: type 2 diabetes


Risk factors for Charcot foot from multivariate analysis:

(1) age < 55 years (aOR 4.1)

(2) literate (aOR3.7)

(3) living alone (aOR5.8)

(4) previous diabetic foot ulceration (aOR 4.8)

(5) peripheral arterial disease (aOR 0.16)



• Odds ratios are given in Table 3 and on page 228.


Charcot foot is termed active if there is evidence of inflammation and inactive if there is none.

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