
Grazziutti et al identified risk factors for severe oral mucositis in a patient undergoing melphalan-based autologous stem cell transplantation for myeloma. These can help to identify a patient whose dose of melphalan should be reviewed prior to therapy. The authors are from the University of Arkansas in Little Rock.


Patient selection: myeloma with autologous stem cell transplant following melphalan therapy


The dose of melphalan was 200 mg per square meter body surface area, with the body surface area calculated using a calculated body weight that corrected for obesity.


Risk factors for severe oral mucositis (Grades 3 or 4):

(1) melphalan dose > 3.4 mg per kg actual body weight

(2) elevated serum creatinine (reduced creatinine clearance)

Dose in mg per kg actual body weight

Percent Severe Oral Mucositis

<= 3.4


3.5 to 4.4


> 4.4



The higher values in dose per actual weight were seen in patients with a body weight less than 90 kilograms. This group is also at higher risk for myelosuppression.


Interestingly the rate of no oral mucositis was constant at 25% no matter what the dose. Some patients have Grade 1 or 2 oral mucositis even at lower doses.


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