
Kim et al identified risk factors for complications after surgical resection of a carotid body tumor (CBT). These can help to identify a patient who may require from more aggressive postoperative management. The authors are from multiple institutions from around the world.

Patient selection: carotid body tumor (CBT)


Common complications: blood loss > 250 mL, cranial nerve injury, vascular injury

Less common complications: stroke, death


Parameters associated with the CBT:

(1) Shamblin class

(2) volume of the CBT (range from 1 to 1642 cubic cm)

(3) distance to the base of the skull (DTBOS): distance from the superior aspect of the CBT to the bone prominence at the base of the skull (in study range was 0 to 10 cm, mean 3.3 cm)


A CBT is usually an ellipsoid mass.


volume of an ellipsoid mass in cubic cm =

= 4/3 * PI() * (radius 1) * (radius 2) * (radius 3) =

= 4/3 * PI() * 1/8 * (diameter 1) * (diameter 2) * (diameter 3)


Predictors of complications:

(1) Shamblin class III > class II > class I

(2) increased tumor volume

(3) short DTBOS


Volume and DTBOS are continuous variables. For volume arbitrary cutoffs of >700 cc (based on Table II), 300 to 700 cc and < 300 cc used.

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