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Klug et al identified risk factors for infection of an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) or pacemaker. These can help identify a patient who should be monitored more closely. The authors are from multiple hospitals in France and are members of the PEOPLE (Prospective Evaluation of Pacemaker Lead Endocarditis) Study Group.


Factors associated with an increased risk of infection:

(1) fever <= 24 hours prior to the procedure

(2) presence of a temporary pacing wire prior to the procedure

(3) early reintervention to correct a problem (hematoma, lead dislodgement, etc)


Factors associated with a decreased risk of infection:

(1) de novo implantation

(2) appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis prior to the procedure



• About 30% of the patients had the procedure to replace a pulse generator or lead. The other 70% were de novo.

• An early reintervention was one done before the patient was discharged from the hospital after the procedure.


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