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Martin et al identified risk factors for 30-day morbidity and mortality after knee arthroscopy. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from interventions to reduce the risk. The author are from the University of Iowa.

Patient selection: knee arthroscopy


Outcome: 30-day morbidity and mortality


Major morbidity or mortality: deep or organ space infection, sepsis or septic shock, wound dehiscence, pulmonary embolism, mechanical ventilation for > 48 hours, unplanned intubation, acute renal failure, cardiac arrest, acute myocardial infarction, stroke or cerebrovascular event, coma for > 24 hours, graft or prosthesis failure, return to the operating room, death


Minor morbidity and mortality: superficial surgical site infection, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, deep vein thrombosis, transfusion for bleeding, peripheral nerve injury, renal insufficiency


Risk factors for major morbidity and mortality:

(1) age 40 to 65 years (odds ratio 3.1)

(2) operative time > 1.5 hours (odds ratio 3.8)

(3) prior operation within the past 30 days (odds ratio 14.3)

(4) history of a bleeding disorder (odds ratio 2.0)

(5) preoperative dyspnea (odds ratio 2.0)


Risk factors for minor morbidity and mortality:

(1) Black race (odds ratio vs white 2.0)

(2) operative time > 1.5 hours (odds ratio 1.8)

(3) recent weight loss (odds ratio 8.7)

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