Risk factors for a reaction during an oral food challenge:
(1) history of reaction to the food in the past year (6 to 12 months)
(2) high level of sensitivity to the food indicated by serum IgE and/or skin prick testing
Risk factors for severe reaction during an oral food challenge:
(1) history of a severe allergic reaction in the past
(2) history of a severe allergic reaction to a trace amount of the food
(3) allergy to a food frequently reported as causing a near-fatal or fatal anaphylactic reaction (peanuts, shellfish, fish, seeds, etc)
(4) asthma
(5) concurrent medical condition that may be made worse during a resuscitation (cardiovascular disease, etc)
(6) concurrent condition that may interfere with resuscitation (difficult vascular access, difficult intubation)
(7) concurrent therapy with a beta-blocker
• A severe allergic reaction involves any cardiovascular symptom, any lower respiratory tract symptoms, or multi-system reactions (>= 4 organs involved).