Pakkala et al reported risk factors for a complicated choledochal cyst. A complicated cyst often requires more complex management and surgery. The authors are from Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences in Hyderabad, India.
Patient selection: choledochal cyst (I, II, III, IVA, IVB, V)
A complicated choledochal cyst is one with one or more of the following:
(1) cholangitis
(2) cystolithiasis and/or hepatolithiasis
(3) malignancy
(4) acute or chronic pancreatitis
(5) portal hypertension
(6) spontaneous rupture
(7) gastric outlet obstruction
Risk factors for a complicated choledochal cyst:
(1) type of choledochal cyst (type I, type IVA)
(2) increasing age (mean age for complicated cases was 31 years)
(3) prolonged duration of symptoms
(4) abnormal pancreaticobiliary ductal junction (APBDJ)