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Pandey et al identified risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in earthquake survivors. Psychosocial interventions can reduce the short and long-term psychiatric morbidity. The authors are from Kathmandu University.

Prevalence: almost 20%


Risk factors for PTSD:

(1) female sex (aOR 1.6)

(2) ethnicity

(3) illiterate (aOR 1.9)

(4) low social support

(5) medium to severe damage to home and property (aOR 4.9)

(6) farmer (may reflect loss of income)


Some of these factors reflect economic status. Poorly constructed homes are more likely to collapse.


The symptoms of PTSD were often persistent for years after the event.


The study population also had a high rate of depression or anxiety and of suicidal ideation, reflecting deterioration in mental health of the community.

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