
Schwartz et al identified risk factors for a positive sentinel lymph node in a patient with a Merkel cell carcinoma. These can help to identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from the University of Michigan Health System.



(1) tumor thickness in mm, from 0 to 25 mm

(2) pattern of growth, either circumscribed or infiltrative


A sentinel lymph node is more likely to show a metastasis if:

(1) the tumor shows an infiltrative growth pattern

(2) the tumor thickness is greater


For a tumor with infiltrative growth pattern, the probability of sentinel lymph node metastases is:


probability =

= (-0.1071 * ((tumor thickness in mm)^2)) + (5.376 * (tumor thickness)) + 31.36


For a tumor with circumscribed growth pattern, the probability of sentinel lymph node metastases is:

Tumor Thickness

Probability of Sentinel Lymph Node Metastases

0 to 10 mm

(0.05 * ((tumor thickness in mm)^2)) + (3.31 * (tumor thickness)) + 15.55

10 to 25 mm

(-0.14 * ((tumor thickness in mm)^2)) + (7.62 * (tumor thickness)) - 7.1

> 25 mm

> 98%

from Figure 1 page 1039


Additional risk factors:

(1) high mitotic rate per square mm (> 30 per square meter)

(2) increasing clinical size (>= 1 cm in diameter)


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