Tait et al identified risk factors for perioperative adverse events affecting the respiratory tract in children. These can help identify patients who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Adverse respiratory events may include:
(1) difficult mask ventilation
(2) airway obstruction
(3) significant oxygen desaturation
(4) continuous coughing
(5) apnea
(6) laryngospasm and/or bronchospasm
Risk factors for respiratory events in the perioperative period:
(1) obesity (based on the criteria of Cole et al)
(2) history of obstructive sleep apnea
(3) surgery on the airway
(4) age <= 9 years
Comorbid conditions seen in obese children:
(1) diabetes mellitus
(2) hypertension
(3) asthma
(4) obstructive sleep apnea
(5) gastroesophageal reflux
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