
Webert et al identified risk factors associated with bleeding in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), who is thrombocytopenic because of cytotoxic agents. These can help identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from McMaster University, University of Waterloo, University of Toronto and Foundation IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico (Milan).


Patient selection: AML with severe thrombocytopenia

Increased Risk of Bleeding

Reduce Risk of Bleeding



low hemoglobin

high hemoglobin

history of any degree of bleeding

no history of bleeding

lack of appropriate therapy for problems

appropriate therapy (antifungal therapy, platelet transfusion)



• The authors demonstrated that mild bleeding was a risk factor for severe bleeding.

• Drugs and illnesses (like uremeia) that interfere with platelet function might be another risk factor for bleeding.

• The presence of clinical infection was a risk factor for mild bleeding with a p =0.05 (Table 3, page 1533).

• Bleeding was graded using the WHO criteria, with severe bleeding Grades 3 or 4.

• The study population was divided into 2 groups. One had a platelet transfusion threshold of 10,000 per µL while the other had a threshold of 20,000 per µL.


A patient with several risk factors may benefit from a more liberal platelet transfusion policy.


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