
Yamashita et al identified risk factors for bile leakage after hepatic resection.

The authors are from Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan.


Patient selection: hepatic resection


Bile leakage was defined as drainage of macroscopic bile from the surgical drains >= 7 days after surgery.


The primary risk factor from multivariate analysis was a high-risk procedure, defined as one where the cut surface is exposed the major Glisson’s sheath and included the hepatic hilum. Examples are:

(1) anterior segmentectomy

(2) central bisegmentectomy

(3) total caudate lobectomy.


Additional factors from univariate analysis:

(1) intraoperative bleeding >= 2,000 grams

(2) surgical time > 300 minutes


Time to Stoppage of Leak

Term Used

<= 4 weeks


4.01 to 8.0 weeks


> 8 weeks



Intractable bile leakage can lead to uncontrollable ascites and/or bile peritonitis.

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