Yazdanpanah et al identified risk factors associated with transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) to a health care worker. These can help to identify situations where interventions can help reduce this risk. The authors are from
Key risk factors for a significant exposure:
(1) hollow-bore needle after being in an artery or vein of the infected patient (adjusted matched odds ratio 100)
(2) deep injury (adjusted matched odds ratio 155
Other significant risk factors:
(1) moderate injury (intermediate between superficial and deep, adjusted matched odds ratio 48)
(2) HCV load greater than 6 LOG10 copies per mL (univariate analysis with unadjusted matched odds ratio 11)
Other risk factors with p values 0.06
(1) hollow-bore needle not in artery or vein (adjusted matched odds ratio 11)
(2) male gender for health care worker (adjusted matched odds ratio 3)
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