Infection may occur after any kind of abortion, but the risk is greater after an illicit abortion.
Potential pathogens include:
(1) Group A or B Streptococcus
(2) Staphylococcus aureus
(3) Clostridium species (perfringens, sordellii, etc)
(4) other anaerobic species
(5) Enterobacteriaceae
Types of infection:
(1) suppurative endometritis and pyometra
(2) peritonitis
(3) sepsis (septic abortion)
(4) toxic shock
(5) gas gangrene
Risk factors for serious infection:
(1) untrained or poorly trained abortionist
(2) unclean conditions
(3) nonsterile instruments
(4) delay in presentation after onset of symptoms
(5) other complications (hemorrhage, uterine perforation, etc)
(6) stigma for the woman or illegal activity
(7) absence of appropriate prophylactic antibiotic coverage