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Gedalia et al used a number of criteria to determine if a pediatric patient with sarcoidosis responded to therapy with methotrexate. The authors are from Children’s Hospital and Louisianna State University Medical Center in New Orleans.


Patient selection: pediatric patient with sarcoidosis receiving corticosteroids


Goal: tapering of corticosteroid therapy without exacerbation of findings


Response to methotrexate:therapy may be measured by:

(1) clinical severity (using a clinical severity score)

(2) change in biologic markers (hemoglobin, serum ACE activity)

(3) success in tapering of corticosteroids


For each measure the response may be:

(1) complete resolution

(2) improvement

(3) stable

(4) progression


Complete response would entail:

(1) complete resolution of clinical findings

(2) normalization of hemoglobin and serum ACE activity

(3) stable without corticosteroids


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